Why Elope? We Say Why Not!

Long before someone ate something they should’ve simply let be, COVID ensued and life as we know it changed forever, we were here, doing our thing and getting it done.


And long after this pandemic-life is a slightly fuzzier, more distant memory, we’ll still be here, doing what we love and offering a unique, outside the box alternative for couples that simply love one another, and love what we do.


Let’s face it, the last six months have been a crazy train with a side of shitshow and none of us signed up for this ride. In fact, most of us want off and our money back. But with adversity, comes resilience, adaptability and ingenuity.


One thing we’ve learned despite it all, is that love wins, and always will. If nothing else, this rona-life has caused us to take stock and reflect on what matters most. And who would’ve thunk that someone tucking into a bat on the other side of the world would cause us to re-evaluate our lives in a way we never have before.


So why elope? Well, why the hell not, we reckon! There’s never been a better time to get yourselves hitched, or an easier way. Because as our good mate Jackie DeShannon says, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love”.


And just in case you needed a little more convincing, read on, lovers! You can thank me later.



Write Your Own Story

In a nutshell, your wedding day is about the two of you and the promises you make. It really is that simple, so let’s not overcomplicate life in an already-challenging world. It’s not about the colour of your shoes. It’s not about the chicken versus the duck in your alternate drop menu. And it’s definitely not about Uncle Mick who you haven’t seen in three years and whether or not he’ll be offended if he’s not invited (chances are he’ll get drunk and gropey and mouthy, and you’ll regret inviting him anyhow).


Your day should be a celebration of the two of you; the love you share and the incredible journey you are about to embark on, together. The focus should be on your love story and your connection, which in and of itself, is truly the most beautiful, meaningful and powerful thing imaginable. It’s not about how many names are on your guest list, whether your second cousins will end up in an all-out brawl come beer o’clock, or whether the cake is vegan enough for Karen, who you also haven’t seen since Christmas circa 2012 when she got drunk and showed everyone her knickers.


Nothing else matters on this day, but the two of you. Trust us.



Make it Personal

At Goosewing, our elopements are simple, intimate and all about you. We get to know our couples well and by the end of it all, we’ll be mates (your shout at the local, yo)! Your day will be stripped-back perfection and it will pan out like no other. You’ll get to hang out together and spend your time with the person in your life who matters the most: your best friend. Because hey, they’re the one you’ll be spending the rest of your life with, so you may as well give it a red hot spin on your wedding day.


Whether you opt to get hitched just the two of you or with a handful your nearest and dearest by your side, you won’t lose sight of why you are here. You will be giving and receiving love, and you will feel this love bubble-wrap itself around you on the day like a big warm hug. You won’t be distracted by stressors and dramas typically associated with fast-paced, larger than life traditional weddings and this in itself will bring you closer and empower you to focus on what matters most on your day.



Keep it Simple   

Elopements are a completely chillaxed and stress-free way to marry. As part of our packages, we literally take care of every single detail of your day and all you need to worry about are the suits, dresses and rings, which is the way it should be!


We were married in the Hunter Valley ourselves just over a decade ago. I booked the venue two years in advance and spent the next 18 months painstakingly researching, booking and liaising with a pile of vendors and suppliers, negotiating guest lists, wading through family politics and putting out fires in an attempt to keep everyone happy.


We fought and agonised over menus and seating plans, pondered tablecloths (because God forbid we got that one wrong) and other big world issues. I hit the old fittings and tastings circuit with a vengeance, chased and paid invoices and finalised orders, forever referring to my neverending to-do lists in an attempt to convince myself that I was in control of something that had actually become much bigger than the two of us. And all before we’d even set foot on the aisle runner.


I was so amped and exhausted by the end of it, I broke out in a stress-rash on my neck and face the day before the wedding (which luckily my amazing HMUA was able to conceal with her wizardry). I completely forgot to be present in the moment, or take in any of the details I’d spent the last two years meticulously planning, including a batshit crazy birdcage cake I had personally overseen design-wise for the natural term of my engaged-to-be-married life.


Is it actually about the cake, or morphing into the very thing you hate? #nope


Save Some Bucks

Did you know that the average wedding in Australia costs close to $40,000? And all dropped on a single day of your life (one that you’ll be paying off for many years to come). That’s a brand new car, a deposit on a house, those renos on your to-do list or a kick-arse, state of the art honeymoon, peeps!


With COVID and the shitstorm that rolled on in with it, couples are savvier and more budget-conscious than ever before and are actively looking for viable, practical, affordable alternatives to tie the knot. Either way, eloping offers you exactly the same result and end game, but at a fraction of the cost; you’ll have an incredible day, epic photos and memories you’ll cherish for a lifetime. But most importantly, guess what? You’ll get married!




Embrace the Romance

Elopements are incredibly romantic! They can be whatever you want them to be and are limited only by your imagination. There are no rules, confines or sticky traditions so you can truly do your day, your way. Don’t want a bridal party? Don’t have one! Want to ditch the six-inch heels for a pair of sequinned Cons? Go ahead! Prefer to hang out together and help each other dress before the ceremony? Let’s do it! Reconnect with each other, with nature and most importantly, with what matters most to both of you.


Elopements evoke a sense of romance and spontaneity. Unlike traditional weddings that take months on end or in many cases years of tedious and stressful pre-planning, we can marry you with as little as one month’s notice, and on your terms. So why wait, and why worry?


At Goosewing, we also specialise in sunset ceremonies. Why? Because this time of day is typically doused in deliciousness and the fairytale light on offer is like a fiery rainbow unicorn sprinkled golden glitter across the sky (OK, perhaps I embellish somewhat). But in short, it’s referred to as “the golden hour” by photographers which is perfect for some pretty epic pics and a little bit of old-skool romance.


You won’t have to rush off to mingle with your 150+ guests or stress about getting to the reception at 5pee-emm sharp. We’ll be on Goosewing-time and we move at at a slower gait, ensuring you have time to drink in each other and every moment you have together.


Live Outside the Box

It’s nice out here! In a world where masks and walls and rules are rife, think differently and do differently, especially if what you’re being told to do doesn’t feel right, and doesn’t feel “you”. Be authentic and don’t succumb to external pressure, just because a big wedding is considered the norm by some, if that’s not what you want.


One of the things we love most about that we do, is there are no rules. We’ve had couples walk down the aisle arm in arm, donkey ring bearers and brides in Ugg boots, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. You can choose to embrace tradition, or toss it like it’s hot. One thing is a certainty – it’s your day, and we will love you either way.



The Future is Uncertain but the End is Always Near

In times like these, it just makes sense to elope. We live in a different world today than we did ten years ago, or even six months ago. And sometimes we just need to roll with the punches and make hay while the sun shines. Perhaps you’ve entertained the idea of eloping in the past, and the present now offers you the perfect opportunity to do so.


No one quite knows what the world has in store for us next, but one thing is for sure; love will win – love will always win. And we’ll be there every step of the way.


Peace Out,

Steph. X


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